"When I read this task, the first thought that crossed my mind was "I have never spent a dear on anything, neither did the others around me, so what should I write about?" But shortly after that, something inside me drew my attention to a really expensive resource (or 'thing', as to use the word stated in the task) I possess: my time. Time is relative. It is a convention. I will not get into philosophical details (even though I would like to, hehe); all I say is, time might be worthy for ones and worthless for others; yet this is the most important resource. Why? Because it is not material. You can't buy it, unfortunately for those filthy rich humans who believe they have the entire world by the tail just because their money. You can't touch it, but you feel it, especially when it passes. However, it behaves like a gift. You are offered it and you can offer it to the others in return. As a result, you send off a part of you which will never come back....