
Se afișează postări din martie, 2015

"Crave You", cover by Daniela Andrade

"One moment I have you, The next you're gone..."

Glimpse of happiness, or how my day felt like

I do not understand how the weather can influence me in such a strong manner... The other day I was about to slowly but surely slip into the darkness; now I have a feeling of exhilaration and contentment about the beautiful life I was blessed with. I talk a lot about any kind of stuffs, I feel like walking a lot, I deeply breathe the cold spring air. I need to hug all peeps around me, to awkwardly dance, to make faces, to take dozens of photos, to sing like a crazy. I smile from the bottom of my heart when I see a sunbeam among a tree's leaves and when it caress my face afterwards. I feel strong, I laugh a lot, I have a huge deposit of optimism, smiles and energy. I walk with my head turned skywards, dreaming about the metal tube cruising at 10 km above the ground.  I am childish. I don't know if I wish the spring would be infinite, but I certainly wish to live more days like this one, like today: surrounded by warmth and soaked in childishness. The spring has come.

Voltaj to represent Romania in Vienna!

Source: I simply admire these boys who are doing their best to show the world (Europe, in particular) that the general beliefs are not even close to what the truth is; who are strongly determined to go to the bitter end to prove people otherwise; to point out who WE, Romanians, really are.  I will move abroad soon, and I would be so glad to do it with all my heart, without bearing the fear of rejection because of my nationality. I want people out there to actually become open-minded, like they claim they are. Here is a nice English article with an interview with Voltaj , the team who are going to take part to Eurovision Song Contest 2015 ; also, the Romanian version of the song, 'De la capat' (in the article), as well as the English one, 'All over again' (below). You have my vote, boys! Fingers crossed!