
Se afișează postări din decembrie, 2015

100 (3)

As a new wave of desolation and worthlessness, combined with plenty of self-doubt and insecurity, stroke me heavily these days, I thought it might be the perfect moment to look back into what 2015 brought me (and it is not little thing!). In this way, I may see myself as a better person than the negative feelings make me look like; plus, I made a promise that at the end of each year/beginning of the next year I will check what I've done from my "100" bucket list . The initial list was in Romanian, however I will translate it into English. As I noticed that I have numerous views from abroad, from probably non-Romanian speaking readers, I thought it might be a sign of respect to make my posts more international . :) Below, the blue posts are the ones accomplished this year. Sa ma nasc. (To be born) Sa implinesc 18 ani. (To get 18) Sa particip la consursuri si spectacole de dans. (To take part in dance contests and shows) Sa nu scriu nimic la un test si sa-l ...