100 (4)
I'm going on this year with my 100-bucketlist. I must say that I haven't accomplished many objectives (out of this list); actually, there is only one, no. 70. But this year I have learned that quality means much over quantity. Sa implinesc 18 ani. (To get 18) Sa particip la consursuri si spectacole de dans. (To take part in dance contests and shows) Sa nu scriu nimic la un test si sa-l inmanez asa. (To not write anything on a test paper, and to hand it in like that) Sa traversez Siberia cu Transsiberianul. (To cross Siberia with the Transsiberian) Sa vizitez Londra. (To visit London) Sa vizitez o casa tipic britanica. (To visit a typical British house) Sa ma fac bruneta. (To dye my hair black) Sa ma decolorez. (To bleach my hair) Sa sar cu parasuta. (To do parachuting) Sa zbor cu avionul. (To fly with an airplane) Sa ma imbat de sa nu stiu ce e cu mine. (To get blind drunk) Sa vad cel putin 30 de tari . (To see at least 30 countries)...