
Se afișează postări din septembrie, 2014


Atunci cand fluturii cei colorati se transforma in molii palide ... Atunci cand ei nu te mai gadila, ci te picura cu acid ... Atunci cand, in loc sa-ti trimita pozitivitate, ei ti-o seaca ... Atunci cand, in loc sa dizolve energia negativa, ei o cultiva ...  Atunci cand, in loc de fiori de bucurie, simti fiori de teama sau, si mai rau, de tristete ... Atunci cand, in loc sa-ti sara inima cu putere si vesela, bate abia simtit, parca ii e teama ca iti va consuma si ultima farama de energie ... Atunci simti ca e sfarsitul, simti ca nu mai poti continua, simti ca vrei sa lasi totul balta, sa fugi, sa-ti faci bagajele si sa pleci departe, sa uiti de tot si toate... Dar stiti voi, "poti fugi, dar nu te poti ascunde". Si nu vei fugi la nesfarsit.   INSA... Daca ramai si te lasi lovit de val, te lasi prins in valtoarea lui, acele molii nesuferite isi vor face treaba de molii nesuferite: zboara, rod, deterioreaza, pleaca. Si cu ce ramai? Cu goluri adanci, poate abisale, c...

"How does depression really feel?" - an article by Laurence White

"If depression is more insidious -- and more misunderstood -- than other disorders, it is because its core symptoms are mental and emotional. This can make it difficult to distinguish the person from the disease, as our thoughts and emotions define who we are. This confusing of the person with the disease is not confined to non-sufferers; when the depression is especially bad, I lose the ability to remind myself that this is not me. [...] And there is something more to depression, which is hard to put into words adequately: it wants to kill you. In the lowest lows, the darkest depths, it makes you "understand" that you need to be dead. The necessity and inevitability of suicide becomes as self-evident as one plus one equals two. You find yourself wondering why you haven't done it yet. What's holding you back? What is this week's lame excuse for continuing, when the future holds only more pain and failure? [...] I have been through every form...