Let's look back, it does good! (2015)

This year has been one of MY years. 5 and 15 are those numbers that apparently brought me luck since I can remember, you know those superstitions. I don't remember what happened in 2005 (might ask my Grandma for this :D), but I will certainly remember all my life what happened in the freaking 2015, the best year of my life up to this moment! January was a huge step forward. I have proven myself that people are not what you hear about them; people are only what they are and how they behave. I started the driving school, and later I found that I have passed the so-much-desired-and-worked-for Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English ; the door-opening diploma, the one thanks to which I could freely join a foreign University. I had my second serious interview of my life: I wanted to volunteer for an NGO in my hometown. I donated blood for the first time. February has brought me a position in the NGO: I was going to do PR and translations for the next (at least) 6 months;...