
Se afișează postări din februarie, 2017

"Learn from yesterday..."

Imagine for today, hope for tomorrow." This is how the saying goes. However, 2016 taught me how to dare, to think differently, to shape a life of my own and on my own.  In January , after a destructive obsession that threw my emotions and thoughts all over the place, I learned that life doesn't wait for anyone . You have to grasp all the bits of courage you are equipped with and go on . G o f urther . G o away from what destroys you. Also, feelings do not bother people , they never will ; a nd if people say they do, then you know wh ich ones you must never come back to , and which ones you must never believe. What's more that I realized was that , i f you wait for the perfect moment or for when you are ready, you might lose the only opport u nity you will ever have . Just go with it and learn how t o do it later. Be courageous, trust yourself for that . On a more down-to-earth level, I passed all my exams once again (second exam session of my stu dent life, yay!...