100 (5)
Long time no write.
I did not write about this year. At all. I was too busy enjoying the experiences live; and training my writing skills in school. Which, by the way, brought me the internship position of my dreams.
And I also wrote a great deal on my social media; I poured most of my feelings in there. Or to friends. Or while accomplishing some 6 goals of this bucket list:
Sa implinesc 18 ani. (To get 18)Sa particip la consursuri si spectacole de dans.(To take part in dance contests and shows)Sa nu scriu nimic la un test si sa-l inmanez asa. (To not write anything on a test paper, and to hand it in like that)- Sa traversez Siberia cu Transsiberianul. (To cross Siberia with the Transsiberian)
Sa vizitez Londra. (To visit London)Sa vizitez o casa tipic britanica. (To visit a typical British house)Sa ma fac bruneta. (To dye my hair black)Sa ma decolorez. (To bleach my hair)- Sa sar cu parasuta. (To do parachuting)
Sa zbor cu avionul. (To fly with an airplane)Sa ma imbat de sa nu stiu ce e cu mine. (To get blind drunk)- Sa vad cel putin 30 de tari. (To see at least 30 countries)
Sa iau BAC-ul cu peste 8,5. (To pass the BAC exam with more than 8.5)Sa iau CAE-ul. (To pass my CAE)- Sa devin asistent de zbor. (To become a flight attendant)
- Sa imi fac testul ADN de la Momondo: The DNA Journey. (To make the DNA test from Momondo - The DNA Journey)
- Sa fac facultatea in strainatate. (To complete my university degree abroad)
Sa ma indragostesc din toata fiinta mea. (To fall head over heels in love)Sa plang de fericire. (To cry with happiness)Sa citesc intruna cateva zile la rand. (To read continuously a few consecutive days)- Sa-mi inchid telefonul 2 zile. (To shut down my phone 2 days)
- Sa imi construiesc o familie fericita si...internationala. (To build a happy and international family)
- Sa fiu perfect fluenta in franceza. (To be perfectly fluent in French.)
- Sa port uniforma unei companii aeriene. (To wear an airline's uniform)
- Sa am niste ani de facultate minunati. (To have some wonderful university years)
Sa revad prieteni vechi [mai ales colegi de inot]. (To meet again old friends, especially swimming mates)Sa plec in exchange intr-o tara francofona. (To complete my exchange in a French-speaking country)Sa scriu o poezie. (To write a poem)- Sa pot face spagatul corect. (To be able to do splits correctly)
Sa joc volei pe plaja. (To play volleyball on the beach)Sa inot 2 km incontinuu. (To swim 2km continuously)- Sa escaladez un munte. (To climb a mountain)
Sa fac scufundari. (To do scuba-diving)- Sa fiu membru al unui juriu. (To be a member of a jury)
Sa dansez o noapte intreaga. (To dance a whole night)- Sa citest o carte pe luna, timp de 1 an. (To read one book a month, during 3 years)
- Sa ma plimb pe plaja, sub o patura de stele. (To stroll on the beach, under a sky full of stars)
- Sa fiu pe picioarele mele. (To live on my own)
- Sa fac baie in mare intr-o noapte de vara. (To bathe in the sea in a summer night)
Sa ma plimb pe strada la 4-5 dimineata, vara. (To take a walk at 4-5 in a summer morning)- Sa inot cu delfinii. (To swim with the dolphins)
Sa mananc sushi. (To eat sushi)- Sa vorbesc cel putin 5 limbi. (To speak at least 5 languages)
Sa ascult aceeasi melodie de cel putin 100 de ori in aceeasi zi. (To listen to the same song at least 100 times in the same day)-
Sa am ca "cel mai bun prieten" un baiat. (To have a boy as a best friend) -
Sa-mi pictez peretii din camera. (To paint the walls in my room) - Sa scriu o carte care sa-mi inspire cititorii. (To write an inspiring book)
- Sa calatoresc cel putin 2 saptamani in afara Europei. (To travel for at least 2 weeks outside Europe)
- Sa stau sub o cascada. (To spend a minute under a waterfall)
- Sa fac o plimbare sub clar de luna cu persoana pe care o iubesc cel mai mult. (To take a walk under the moonlight with the person I love the most)
Sa ma balacesc in ocean. (To bathe in the ocean)-
Sa-mi iau carnet de conducere. (To get my driving license) - Sa urc in London Eye. (To get into London Eye)
- Sa sar in mare de undeva de suuuuuus. (To jump in the sea from somewhere hiiiiiigh)
- Sa ma dau cu parapanta. (To go paragliding)
Sa urc in turnul Eiffel. (To climb the Eiffel Tower) - Sa petrec o zi intreaga in pat cu persoana iubita. (To spend an entire day in bed with my significant other)
Sa merg intr-un oras necunoscut si sa umblu singura toata ziua, fara sa-mi fie teama ca ma voi intalni cu cineva cunoscut. (To go in an unknown city and walk alone all day, without fearing meeting someone known) - Sa fac surf. (To surf)
- Sa ma plimb in baloane cu aer cald. (To fly hot air balloons)
Sa ma calific pentru o bursa ERASMUS. (To get an ERASMUS scholarship)- Sa invat sa dansez vals. (To learn to dance waltz)
- Sa invat sa patinez cu spatele. (To learn to ice-skate backwards)
Sa-mi fac un blog. (To set up a blog) -
Sa experimentez Kangoo Jumps. (To try Kangoo Jumps) -
Sa lansez lampioane. (To light lampions) -
Sa-mi pun unghii cu gel. (To get false nails) - Sa-mi fac o prietena pe viata. (To make a friend for life)
- Sa fac ski in Olanda. (To ski in the Netherlands)
Sa intalnesc oameni din toate colturile lumii. (To meet people from all over the world)-
Sa invat sa merg cu bicicleta. (To learn how to ride a bike) - Sa-mi fac un tatuaj cu o semnificatie aparte, intr-o zi importanta. (To get a meaningful tattoo on an important day)
- Sa mananc mancaruri speciale din tari indepartate. (To eat special foods from far-away countries)
Sa ajung la facultate. (To make it to the University) -
Sa privesc o eclipsa de luna. (To watch a moon eclipse) -
Sa privesc o eclipsa de soare. (To watch a sun eclipse) - Sa invat sa cant la chitara. (To learn to play guitar)
- Sa vad un rechin pe viu. (To see a shark with my own eyes)
- Sa vad o aurora boreala pe viu. (To see an aurora borealis/northern lights with my own eyes)
- Sa ma plimb pe Zidul Chinezesc. (To take a walk on the Great Wall of China)
Sa fiu optimista. (To be optimistic) - Sa urc in Empire State Building. (To climb in Empire State Building)
- Sa ma plimb cu gondola. (To float in a gondola)
- Sa-mi cumpar o masina electrica. (To have an electric car for myself)
- Sa fac un tur de Romania. (To complete a touristic tour in Romania)
Sa ma enervez mai greu. (To get pissed off more difficult)Sa plang mai putin. (To cry less)Sa merg intr-o excursie cu srprs.me (To go on a trip with srprs.me)-
Sa mananc jeleuri imbibate in vodka. (To eat jellies soaked in vodka) - Sa schimb ceva in lume. (To change something in the world)
- Sa ma casatoresc din iubire. (To marry someone because I love him)
Sa stau o vara intreaga la mare. (To spend an entire summer on the seaside) - Sa ma trezesc intr-o dimineata si sa realizez ca am reusit. (To wake up one morning and realize that I made it)
Sa am un job. (To have a job) Sa scot media 10 la mate un semestru. (To get a general mark of 10 at maths in one term)- Sa vad Eurovision live. (To see Eurovision live)
- Sa ma stabilesc intr-o tara pe care o iubesc. (To settle down in a country I love)
- Sa-mi risc literalmente viata pentru cineva. (To literally risk my life for someone)
- Sa scriu lista cu 100 de lucruri pe care voiam sa le fac si le-am facut. (To write the list of 100 things I want to do and I have done)
- Sa mor facand ceva ce iubesc. (To die doing something that I love)
*accomplished in 2017
* accomplished in 2016
* accomplished in 2015
* accomplished in 2014
* accomplished in 2013
* accomplished earlier/I don't remember
27: It was Angers, France. Best region to learn French, since they have no/little accent.
33: It didn't happen in an exotic underwater paradise, but hey, I learned the basics!
51: Just with my feet. For now ^^.
56: It was actually Montparnasse; a lot prettier, less touristy, and with an amazing view over the Eiffel Tower as well ;).
61: I actually only had to apply, not to be selected for it. But hey, at least I did in time; it's still something!
88: The destination: Nice, French Riviera. Our srprs.me reaction! || #CerculdeFoc merge în Franța - YouTube
This year was a lot fuller than these 6 objectives might make it appear. I am happy with the decisions I have made and with what I have been through. Goal for 2018: Kick off another 7 and have an amazing time.🍷
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