Hopes and dreams

Even the smallest affirmation has the power to ruin; to ruin a day, a night, a week or a plan. To turn them into dust or into other kind of insignificant-useless-sticky matter. It also can well and truly throw the pointed one in a dark angle of his/her existence or cover his/her hopes with mud, yet those hopes seemed unshakeable the other day. 
I say 'hopes', because 'dreams' is a much more powerful word; so powerful that it will destroy that darn affirmation, that phrase which made someone almost to give up on something pretty nice they planned to do. Dreams are the ones which gives humans the energy and the inner strength to fight, to clench their teeth, to grin and bear it and to, finally!, achieve that most-wanted result.
Thus, may you call your hopes dreams instead? I bet you'll get the dreamlike result you crave so much.

 "You will never be free until your free yourself from the prison of your own thoughts." (Philip Arnold)

So, my dream (ex-hope) right now is to write in an inspiring manner; I want to inspire people with what I write here. What's yours? :) Share your thoughts below.


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